I know nothing about pcs but would like to know if this is worth getting for this price or to keep looking and up the budget?
Photo dump of me + a few tattoos ive done!!Representing the black tattoo artists 👩🏽🎨
Monster tattoo done by me!@2lulahtattoo on IG; Riot Ink in Powell, OH
1 year of good habits
First tattoo vs 2 Years into tattooing.
I see these stars from my back porch every night around 3 i thought i knew what constellations they were and then i took a picture and now theres a lot happening here lol, what are these constellations? Feel free to markup
How slow the numbers are going up. I paid for $30.
Was gold made for black girls?
Whats the specific name of this dragon gargoyle god looking thing? I wanna do more research on it so i can draw designs of it
Tattoo coverup by me!
what’s a piercing you always wanted but had to give up on due to incorrect anatomy?
Has anyone had skin hypersensitivity since getting tatted?
This is my art vs the artist! 😄
Any other alternative black women here?
My fro and flat ironed hair!
Found dog off of Lockbourne Rd by the subway
Makeup novice, here. Can someone suggest how to avoid my glasses rubbing my makeup off?
Three versions of me exist. You cant have one without the other two 🙏🏽
What contact colors give me the most aura
How to remedy the situation and my mental wellbeing asap
Is my 5 year old belly piercing rejecting?
Is there a name for this time of fade?
Ideas for matching chest piece
[TOMT] [Food] Help looking for Chinese peanut powder snack
Looking for cat foster parent asap.