Moms ashes mixed with someone else
Anyone know where I can find a pattern like this?
Do dye lots matter with white yarn?
9 months, countless FROGS, tears and tantrums but I have conquered Everest.
A ten year relapse
Stephen King’s Pet Sematary Remake Had Cats From Shelters Who Were Trained To Become Cat Actors
Cute duck
Come on Disney!
What is a noise that instantly irritates you?
this creepy or nah
Curious crustaceans
Meme heaven
Thank you jon
Hi reddit, I'm Kevin Feige. AMAA
That pretty much sums it up
Why am I trying
What part of 'me' being fat you don't get?
How did that happen? I need answers.
What’s that song called again?
Do your research please
F in the comments
Half of the agency anyway
ULPT: If you work in an office where your coworkers can’t see you enter, dont say good morning to them as soon as you walk in. This way when you are late they won’t know and will just think you haven’t come to say good morning yet.
RIP keyboard cat 8/3/18. Give a F for this legendary meme lord.