How come the Eldar lose all the time even in their own books?
my friend smells like SHIT
Finished up my Stormsurge’s base… thoughts and criticism?
Both; would
Was there ever a situation where Larry David was legitimately not at fault and genuinely did nothing wrong?
Beyonce in the New Levi's Ad, Part 2: Pool Hall
Medieval Female Scribes Were Far More Common Than Previously Thought. At Least 110,000 Medieval Manuscripts Were Copied by Women
Sequitors as Annihilator proxies
Outjerked yet again
He got the basics down within our first game (7yo).
I agree.
T'is Is truly a wonderful day to be on the internet.
What do this Sub think about this Shotgun with an Axe head? And bayonets in general?
The Craftworld Eldar took no part in the birth of Slaanesh so why do they get blamed all the time for it?
Would a High Elf wizard worship Corellon or Mystra?
Made an entire back of peanut butter cookies and went to go take a shower while they cooled down. This is what I came back to.
Valonia ventricosa, or sailor's eyeball, is Earth's largest single-celled organism.
Pirahna's design looks silly to me. Does it for You, too?
What glue do you use/recommend?
See the difference
In Interstellar (2014) the physicist shows absolutely no emotions when finally meeting his colleagues after waiting alone for 23 years on an isolated spaceship like it’s a common thing to do
Mary Jane, Modern Outfit
My partner's toothbrush
[Excerpt: Sons of Behamat Battletome, 3e]
Democrats in 2025
Here's some Dal'yth Sept Gue'vesa auxillaries I made few months ago. I plan to add some in my Tau army (as Fire Warriors) and made some charadesign for the Greater Good
The logo of this coffee shop…