Grabe na talaga ang Cancel Culture ng DDS, pati Hapee Toothpaste hindi pinalampas. Wag naman ganun oi! 30% of their Workforce are PWDs
What massively improved your mental health?
Realization : by migrating,you’re saving yourself but also the next generations after you
Why do political differences with family or friends have to ruin a relationship?
Filipinos in London rallying for help
What do believe in with regards to pre marital sex?
What if Miriam Santiago is still alive?
why is it embarrassing to buy condoms?
My tita turned off my electricfan
How will you describe the perfect Adobo?
Almost 2 weeks post OP Srs - Dr. Chettawut Bangkok.
Curious. Were the streets really safer during the time of the former president?
How do you deal with anxiety?
Naniniwala ba kayo sa power of prayers?
I hate Koreans here in CA
Filipino denied canadian residency because of his involvement in "War on Drugs" campaign
Rude ba if pagtaguan ko yung pinsan ko na magtotour/travel dito sa Canada?
How do you live with a partner having different political values from you?
Filipinos in Chicago
Fitness Influencer nataleebfitness refuses to let Trans Women into her "All Female Gym,"
Kitty as a palaban girl 😅
How happy you are that Du30 is now arrested?
What’s your body soap?
New post w/ her baby 🥰
What New Era Players Are The Closest To Being Considered Hall of Famers?