Pay over good environment?
Perks Flex
extreme allergy symptoms that only last a day, no apparent trigger
What is Sacramento lacking?
Weekly sticky post for non-paralegals and paralegal education
Only at Dutch bros
I need to share this with someone
What’s your beef? Beauty products that did you dirty
Should I start late?
Jan 6-12 in the Weeks 🧡
Removing glue(?) from fabric purse interior
What's your favorite coffee shop on the grid with comfy armchairs/soft seating?
kpop dance class
Working for more than 1 attorney
SacAnime sucks now!!
Name that place
How many meals do you feed your cats a day?
Where should I start?
Tweezers not holding onto eyebrow hair
Dutch bros is getting stingy
Clients being even MEANER during Christmas?? (Rant)
What was your Bonus
Doing intake over on the phone
Bought this yarn for the purple 😅
Why does it do this when I work in continuous round?