high rule
Media criticism is nothing but a form of cheap, short-term entertainment. It's extremely easy to enjoy any piece of media if you would like to.
Calming effect from watching strobe lights
Day 206 (Da Rule
abysmal dogshit or absolute cinema?
Aktuellmeldung: Kriminalität steigt durch Geflüchtete kaum
It Happened Again Rule
Mountain Rule
rulemanticize misery
Coop games where I can drive/fly around with my friends shooting out of the backseat
Kanye has gone fucking insane again rule
Thin corset armor material advice
What to cosplay as
Oligarchical Rule
I love micro drones, maybe a little TOO much...
Penis. That's a Penis.
«Digitale Bürger» als Idee für die Demokratie in der Schweiz – und überall
(Imagine) You are loved
I might have just made the hardest pic in space engineers, ever
Work-related memes