To the 3 different girls who stopped me on my walk today and asked to pet my dog - I’m sorry she’s such a bitch, don’t take it personally!
How many emails are in your inbox
Anyone want to buy a backdoor for $3001?
There's a vulnerability in our software? Ok, pay us $3000 to patch it.
How is Kalamazoo Animal Rescue?
Cute cat trying to help with work
My Job Suddenly Has a Problem With My Hair Color (Not in the Handbook!
We got hacked during a pen test
Why does it matter what my parents did? Theyre not applying for the role... .
Please don't "lie" to your fellow Sysadmins when your update breaks things. It makes you look bad.
Welp, We tried to warn you. Oh well.
Dispensary wants to donate
ELI5: what is the point of brushing teeth before having breakfast?
At some point, we must ask ourselves why billionaires and those in power all want us to have children
US Labor Department adopts an anti-labor policy against remote work
ElI5 how can insurance companies deny claims
PSA: getting your house professionally cleaned every once in a while is worth every penny
Volunteer Opportunities?
Election results and thinking of my kids
Anyone have any luck booking a neuter/spay through Kzoo Humane Society?
Is my carpet cleaner pulling up the carpet padding, or just disgusting? Help!
Vet recommendations???
Guess I'm calling in sick 🤧
On This Day In 1978, Tim Allen Was Arrested After Walking Into Kalamazoo Airport With 650 Grams Of Cocaine For A Drug Deal With An Undercover Cop
Tim Allen's Mugshot When He Was Arrested In 1978 After Walking Into Kalamazoo Airport With 650 Grams Of Cocaine
He's getting old.