Took 8 1/2 years but I got half the reason I'm playing the game (Camilla)
I finally finished my island
if someone were to ignore you for months, insult your friend by saying they have no friends and referring to them as a thing, and then knock you out and then leave the house, to commit mass murder at a prom event, and then mock a orphan's parents who they killed, are they abusive?
What’s an unhealthy obsession people have?
[Serious] How would you react if your partner told you they want to try a threesome?
What's the best response to an ex who says "I miss you"?
What is the most controversial food opinion you have?
Whats the most unmoanable name?
What's the best answer to being called ugly ?
You want to link with a girl friend with benefit you haven't spoken in a few years, what do you say?
Why are you on reddit right now?
Straight guys of reddit, what do you think of Ryan Reynolds?
What is the first thought you get after orgasm?
what is your nationality?
What’s one word you can never spell right ?
Are you a butt guy or a breast guy?
Which actor can you not stand to see on your tv?
If intelligent aliens visited earth and you had 4 hours to entertain them and convince them humans are a pretty cool species, what would you do / where would you go?
What made you think: "damn I'm old"?
What the hell is even that?
Spotted over Budapest
Where is the worst place to bring someone to on a first date?
What's stopping you from having a threesome?
What gets you horny for no apparent reason?
What food do you find absolutely disgusting, that others think isn't?