Lino and Alexa
She summed these men right up
Tayler looking like....
I was wondering why Grant looked so familiar!
What is actually going on in season 6?
AITA for ignoring my wife for throwing away my late wife video tapes?
Pekoe in boxes :)
Come shopping in Dedham! One trip/person. 30 min time limit. Comment ign and island name to enter.
Late Night Wheel Giveaway!
🎄Ho! ho! ho! Merry Christmas! 🎁 Now that you’ve finished shopping for everyone else, come shop for yourself! Comment IGN and island name to visit.
User Flair Thread
[MEGATHREAD] New Horizons Dodo/Friend Code Sharing
Tapu fini raid 564812975507 join fast
Tape fini raid on me
251349278565 Tapu Fini add me Add
[MEGATHREAD] r/AnimalCrossing Town Hall - General Discussion, Questions & Answers, Hangout!
Zacian Raid 6857 1504 8585
Genesect raid rn 6857 1504 8585
Articuno Raid 6857 1504 8585
POV: you were looking forward for M2 raids, you did over 400 and your best one is a 96%. You now want to quit PoGo.
Something went right for me this weekend
Need a new friend for Misunderstood Mischief research
My redditless friend is newish and needs friends for gift exchange and stuff
Landorus raid rn 6857 1504 8585