I need help with my voice during hypnosis
I need the best Japanese undub rom for onimusha 3
Is there a trick that allow me to project?
Easiest way i found to induce AP
Should I get ragnarok now?
Does RE8 support adaptive triggers and heptics on pc?
Should I play RE8 first person or third?
What is your favorite/ most successful technique to AP & how long were you practicing before success?
ابغى بنك كويس استثمر فيه بتوزيعات او صناديق ريت
My pc freezes alot
Should I play 3 or the spin offs?
Which game to get for pc?
How much time does it take you to project or induce paralysis and what symptoms do you feel?
spoiled tool shop staff Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
am new to obs I need help with the mic (need help please
Am thinking about creating a youtube video I need your input
Am having a problem with nvidia app
Am having a problem with Nvidia app
Did any of you try WC Wicked Cushions Extra Thick Earpads for Sony XM5
Is it called gate keeping?
How to record without affecting my game?
My recording with shadowplay has a red tint for some reason
Are there pads for wh-1000xm5 that provide more isolation and noise canceling?