Blev du eller blev du inte? Valde du ens alls? (Barn)
wtf is this?
I lost my old little lady today
What's your nickname among your villagers? :)
My new ring 😬
Är stockholmare efterblivna?
How do you stop doing everything for your kids?
What if there was a fifth male personality? (OC)
Trilled r - is it required?
Picking up all signals from the mother planet.
The way dirt gets trapped inside my Oral-B electric toothbrush is absolutely vile
Anyone else’s island just super functional?
Bästa översättning av ”devils’s advocate”?
How do people know that they can marry this person?
When that sun be hittin' the kittn' just right.
Are we so deadhuzz rn 💔
Känns Stockholm som hem för dig?
I'm just saying "kicking my brother in the sack" might not be the way to de-escalate this situation..
Why is Marshall hiding in the corner like a gremlin 😭
Is your username chosen or generated?
Which chair goes best with the bistro table?
What do Cornish Rex’s feel like?
Snugglies getting their curls
Her children are 6 months old…