Give me any character and i'll explain how The Living Jobber would lose
Some of the takes here are wild
You’re her lawyer defend her
Drew Magik + a bunch of other characters I like
X men fans : Genocide is bad, unless it's against people we don't like."
Holy crap, Tayam is insane
So are we suck with nick lowe forever☹️
What's a game you played as a kid that nobody seems to remember?
"Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc" Character Visuals
What is the most format-breaking card that is on the ban list for Commander?
It's wild how Magik is Team Cyke all the way
Why would Taisigur hire someone called “The Usurper” as his advisor? Is he stupid?
Was their relationship really bland?
Remember when the internet decided to bully this guy because he played a character they didn't like in a Marvel show
Reminder that Emma was right
Anyone else ever wonder why Psylocke didn't get an explosion of popularity from MR like Magik did?
Has anyone read this comic? What can you tell me about it?
Unpop Opinion: Teaching may not be a walk in the park nor make me a millionaire but it's certainly one of the better jobs to have in society..
Wow Erik you’re still brushing off responsibility despite the fact you killing quicksilver is is what triggered Wanda to carry out the Decimation. Ya jackass And that you’re practically the entire reason why quicksilver is so mess up
Who's a DC character who would fit well as a mutant in the Marvel Universe?
Magik digital painting by PLGR
Superboy’s true arch nemesis
Is there a lore reason on why cyclops fan are so insecure?