How do I play this?
APs that you took this year: kill, kiss, marry
Hermane 🗿
here’s this song i wrote. i don’t know what it sounds like because i can’t read music
How to cite a dream/hallucination in APA 7th?
Are they still confused about this?
pick a number from 1-1000 and i will rate it out of 10
what's a lvl that you think is overrated and doesn't deserve all the love?
Who is the most overrated creator to ever exist?
Wha tha huh..
What's your worst fail in GD
Since 2.2 might be coming out today, what're your favourite things that has happened in 2.1?
When will 2.2 actually come out?
My schedule was approved :)
I don't get how more people aren't complaining about this minigame, it genuinely sucks ass
It’s called synthetic oil...
Mom, what is hypocrisy?
Found this on Twitter
I can’t tell what that baby onesie says, and I’m not sure I want to.
20 character
Support mains, how do you stay sane?
Husband and Wife Both Trasgender....
It'll try not to go 14 in a 13 zone.
After eating two of these blueberry waffles, i went to heat up two more and saw that the package was for plain waffles. I ate mold.