What is your favourite class and why?
What are the best weapons to use for SMG Maya? (without the sand hawk)
What are your guys favorite map setting?
Favorite Class
Just finished my first game! Why is the AI not more proactive
I told him to leave my city-states alone
Just bought the game. How do I play a strength build?
Are my games going way too fast?
Getting older as a gamer
Multiple playthroughs mostly for the choices and dialogue
Did anyone feel squishier going from ME1 to ME2?
What is one thing you don’t like about the Mass Effect games any why? (Image Credit: Game Radar)
A Question about class for insanity in ME2
noob here, question about the good and bad morality system
What is the most important part of a mass effect game?
What is the one thing in Mass Effect that you can never make yourself do?
Been having a blast this R2D with the Grand Lance and Tower Shield. Thank you everyone who helped me put the build together on my last post!
Looking for 50 hrs single-player games
Best / Most fun BL2 Vault Hunter?
What are your favorite map types?
Why does everyone denounce me?
AI Lowballing Me in Deals
Best snipers for every game.
How do You keep conquered cities loyal?