168 on February + need advice! / possibly a tutor :)
Looking for flight schools in LA (PPL)
Encouraging my kid
Partial Engine Power on Takeoff
I am fairly certain I changed my test date (greater LA area) but I am still registered for Jan on the website
Will passing the written before starting my actual flight training hurt or help me more in the long run?
Picture of plane in resume?
When is it time to quit flying?
Career change: Questions
I did it!!!
As a student, where do you draw the line with issues in a pre-flight inspection?
Tips/resources for pure conditional logic problems
How do you assess risk in IMC?
Tips for getting from -2/3 a section to -1/2 (high 160s/low 170s to mid to high 170s)
Timed practice tests in the low 160s, Blind Review (or untimed) in the mid to high 170s. What to do?
Flight schools in the OC for private pilots license
SoCal flying into LAS tips
Run-up complete?
Should I transfer out of UCLA during my senior year to a part 141 to become a pilot?
I just watched as a plane went off the end of the runway.
Using rnav for ils fixes
Instrument Oral coming up
VPN will connect on phone's hotspot but not wifi
Is anyone here subscribed to IFR magazine?