What are the most extreme albums you've heard? I'm pretty curious for non-metal albums that are considered brutal, so that's accepted too.
Anyone want to help with a baddle jacket bingo card?
My dear fellow listeners of metal music, what are your favorite japanese bands?
Average r/jacketsforbattle users
traits of bad jackets/vests
Some friends come over and want to play some music. What bands do you NOT let them play?
I just found this hilarious sub last night... I never heard of battle jackets before BUT I think I made one last week? Thoughts on my 6 year old's jacket? Did I go too hard? 😂
As a lesbian I think I have one SUBTLE patch this is way too much 💀
My queer punk battlejacket
Making fun of people isn't punk anymore?
Based on my music give me recommendations
Why is it that metalheads have become so terrible?
Can we talk about black metal for a second?