How do we feel about Artillery guys
Which is the best metal shirt of all time?
Can we please get back to posting the funny soy drawings?
Got a new pup. Looking for a good metal name for him. Give me your best!
The reflection off my laundry detergent looks like saturn
What song comes to mind?
Best tour posters you’ve seen
If a historical figure was a metal band, what band would it be?
I found Kiryu's ID card. Where can I return that?
Can’t believe they haven’t found the Bigstown Mollywooki
The 1980's troubled teen starter pack
My trusty cold-season jacket with removable sleeves and hood to make a vest
Favorite German Band
Defend in Depth
What is your favourite War metal band ?
The three horsemen.
Divine information
(S)lay the princess
Who's the best-dressed character in the series?
Can someone make him Yakuza?
What albums have y’all listened to this past week?
Coldest band pics?
How do we feel about Kanonenfieber?
The only solution