Let’s see your deck names
Chels past, present & future
Amf Pires
Tell me your alien without telling me your alien
He’s so shit! shit even with THAT stats
Should I Return?
What's your MF duo?
You thought the AC Milan Legends was hard...
False 9
125 AC Milan Legends - This is really scary Legendary AI.
My luck for other draws: -1000, my luck for good Champions League and Chelsea draw: +1000
Post sc of your strongest team and let people here discuss about its pros and cons.
Good ol days
How cooked are you?
Tried 3 atb, need suggestions and tips. (NOT A SQUAD SHOW-OFF)
I don't know why but this vini feels sooo good in superstar AI
Give me a player that surprise you
Weekly Q&A Megathread September 25, 2024
Weekly Megathread September 18, 2024
Characters that accept their death
Is it just me or is Move absolutely bonkers now?
Show us your most underrated duo
I don’t get It
Anyone been hitting the crossbar more than usual since the update???
I can’t believe this work 😭