For those planning to raise kids abroad, teach them how to fight
Should I be scared?
Still in shock
On today’s episode of the passport bros…
You seriously need to try Uganda
This Is Why We Need To Avoid Passport Bros
Im willing to spend 10,000 hours to learn, whats the skill that will make me the most money?
So, apparently...
Advice on sending money to UGX account
Y’all watch out for the passport bros
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Be careful about the passport bros
When did this subreddit become a page for desperate white men looking to fetishise black women?
Guys we have to do better
Anyone know how to deal with racist Africans
Horrible irritation from my watch
Most people can’t name all of their great-grandparents. We’ll basically be forgotten in 100 years.
What Ugandan cultural influences do you think have reached a global audience?
Men of Reddit, for those who were in a relationship that was “traded up” (ended) for someone who your partner thought was a better fit at the time, how did it play out?
Let's build the ultimate get over your ex playlist
Men Who Broke No Contact, Why?
What is the hardest lesson a woman has ever taught you?
What do people that don’t game do
What’s falling in love like for men?
Why did you reach out to an ex after year(s)?