Still alive iPhone 3G
Kharkiv during the war. What the city, daily terrorized by Russia, looks like and how it survives
It’s Amber’s birthday today! She’s six!
Cities of Ukraine Before and After Russian Army Attacks
Less Ice, More Flowers. Antarctica is Warming Rapidly
4th bday🩷
The Cost of a "Just Peace". European Pragmatism and Ukraine’s Fatigue
Music production setup.
Over 100 years ago, a mob of armed white men burned down a Black neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Authorities and the media kept it silent for 75 years
Dendy console w keyboard
The meaninglessness of endless worrying
Ukrainian Volunteers Recover the Remains of Russian Soldiers to Exchange for the Bodies of Fallen Ukrainian Troops. Footage of the Search Operation in Donetsk Region
I "stole" two cats from the street
3 хвилини класичної музики!
Радіо - стара і майже забута технологія?
Різний погляд на дітей - вирок для стосунків, чи ні?
Робота онлайн
Мабуть фото дня
Yellow corners on studio display?
Politics of Loud Threats. Ultimatums as Donald Trump’s State Strategy
My secondary work setup
My iPod Nano 2nd gen still alive and feels quite fine :)
You Had Three Years
У тата розлад. Накипіло