What phone case are you rocking?
What's your default browser in OneUI and why?
PSA: Get the anti-reflective film.
Does fingerprint sensor work well for this screen protector?
How's Everyone Liking It?
After long consideration, also upgrading to S25 Ultra
Samsung Knights, are we upgrading to the S25ULTRA this year or are we standing down for another year?
Hello everyone which device is the best to use tivimate on ????
S22 ultra in late 2024?
Volvo ES90 differences
Exynos users, how much did the battery life decreased since you bought it?
Galaxy S25 Ultra Renders
Wat betekent dit gekke zwarte kentekenplaat met witte letters en geen landcode?
Im looking to buy a 2015 v40 but i really want a cd player is this slot a cd player ?
What fragrance truly blew you away the first time you smelt it?
What is this thing for?
Put these four mfs in a room, who’s walking out alive?
What scene always makes you laugh?
So done with my 2018 XC90 - any idea what this is?
What’s the most overrated men’s fragrance of all time? (In your opinion)
It's Race Week...Welcome to Miami!
Since there are plans for Bangkok GP in the future. This was a planned “Bangkok Gran Prix” back in 1938, presented by Prince Bira. It was however cancelled due to the build up of WW2.
Ferrari announces multi-year deal with Hewlett-Packard as title sponsor, with team being called "Scuderia Ferrari HP" from the MiamiGP onwards
Who is the worst driver to ever win an f1 championship?
Been taking ozempic for nearly 3 months and haven’t lost a significant amount of weight. What am I doing wrong here?