50F, Just be honest
Am I ugly 23 F
So a bunch of morons were posting thier "nazi"stompers ironically not knowing they are wearing nazi boots
I'm a trans "girl", I think the government is trying to turn me into a spy robot, AMA
shooting the M2 is better than sex. change my mind
18F just want honesty tbh
Proof that girls aren't real
19f be honest
Don’t let Amity fans be c*nts
guys like
Valentines Day
Opinions on my band's album cover concept?
What's feminism?
Go on roast me!
Can this be considered a scene outfit? (sorry I don't have many accessories ;-;)
What made you realise you have racist tendencies or thoughts.?
Has the word nazi lost its meaning.?
Ha ha
Does being poor give you the excuse to sell drugs.?
Why is it okay for women to have a womens only club but if men have one.?
Should people be hired just cause they are a diversity
1940s inspired fit, thoughts?
I am a real person (A man) who doesn’t believe in government lies, AMA
I found this gem in mpmd