Protest TODAY against our shadow president Musk's actions against America!!
Whiteflies (and don’t say neem oil)
I hate myself on Cymbalta but my wife loves me on it
So, who ruined Christmas morning and how did they do it?
What’s going on with everyone all of a sudden saying Trump smells?
So, uh.... MTG 'wrote' a book?
Anybody try using an essential oil inhaler like füm?
Two Laughing Girls, Pere Borell del Caso, Oil on canvas (27" x 27"), 1880
AOC Says Clarence Thomas 'Must Be Impeached' Over 'Almost Cartoonish' Corruption
Update on my Monarch butterfly with crumpled wings. I have been feeding it sugar water with cotton balls and it appears to be liking them. I'll continue to take care of it for the remainder of its life.
The importance of exercise for those with Bipolar Disorder.
Meghan referring to Harry as “H” throughout the docu-series is so cringey and fake. This nickname is not endearing and we all know she probably really calls him Harry.
what screams insecurity but most people don't realize?
Meghan's Passport Was Taken
AITA for making my parents choose between my sister going to jail or replacing my car with their vacation money.
The reason I don’t go outside at night
AITA for not adding a third bathroom to our house?
When you’re very poor rich guy. “Elon Musk Loses It Over Twitter Advertiser Exodus, Threatens ‘Thermonuclear Name & Shame'”
What is the most dangerous thing people don’t realize is all that dangerous?
What are you fucking sick of?
AITA for wanting to tell my BIL and his wife that my wife breastfeeds their baby whenever they leave him with her?
Twitter sued for mass layoffs
Maybe sort this out before paying 44 billion?
Americans (USA) what is a good thing about your country?
We went Big Foot hunting, bought cowboy boots, met with a paranormal activity investigator and toured the factory of a 4-generation clothing brand. What else should we do in Tennessee?