What is the dumbest thing that a classmate said during class?
I get that the answer is porn, but what's the joke?
Does med school weed out cheaters?
How did/will you tell your family/friends/SOs you got in?
Best Quotes of The Office: W
How to crush my SMP?
what specialty should i go into
Home internet providers in Jefferson City?
The best thing each president ever did, day 40, penultimate day, George w bush, what is the best thing dubya ever did?
cycle results :)
my sankey!
Narrowing Down School List
help me decide pls!
The amount of Parmesan my husband puts on his pasta.
List of DO schools that are P/F and do not use the letter grading system?
In this house…
Thanks, i hate this
Favorite non-main character character?
Advice on MD List Please!
Low Stat Cycle Results
One scene Vasilly... One scene only
Which school would you choose given the option?
Do I have a chance?
Make the comment section look like Wayne’s search history