What does this fridge say about me?
Russian company commander of 394th motorized regiment motivationg its soldier to perform an assault while tank and artillery firing on their position
Well done, my friends
Not sure when/if the league changed the rules on them, but this Motorola sponsor patch looks stupid. Stands out like a sore thumb on that beloved Cubbie Blue.
I’d love to hear what you think. My wife mocks my handwriting at least once a week.
Americans, how you do you feel about the news that Germany, Denmark and the UK have issued travel warnings for the United States?
AIO My response to my mom disowning me because I'm gay?
whats the longest you have stayed up?
Favorite alt-country “hidden gems”?
HISTORY: Worst college baseball game of all-time: Yeshiva vs Lehman. Combined losing streak of 124 straight losses.
What do you think is worst type of person to be stuck on an elevator with?
If you could pick four guys to form a Highwaymen type supergroup today who would you choose?
Am I doing this right?
What does my fridge say about me?
What can't you believe is less than 90 years old?
What would you give one of your kidneys for?
Just got back from re-upping my fruut supply. Please use your voodoo to tell me all about these fridges?
Can someone help me I can't get the life of me get a pike to bite do I have the rong lures
What does my fridge tell you about me?
What does my fridge say about me ?
Who is the most overrated country singer
Broke end loop will this one work?
Please vote Wisconsinites for the sake of your beautiful state’s future and our country.