My student masturbated in class today and his mom doesn't think it's weird
Behold, the infinite cuunning of some people using AH!
The Pizza I’ve made (my friends hate it)
Where does most of the open world pvp happen? (Nightslayer)
Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
Society is crumbling day by day, hour by hour and no one is doing anything to stop it
At what level do you start farming your pre-bis and such?
Trumps post about Gaza actively including dancers with beards.
I wish you all to have this much self-esteem
What's something slowly killing us that society just pretends isn't a problem?
What class improves the most from Classic to TBC?
Druid or Pally for TBC
What's up with Brazilians and cake?
Festa em cidade com bolo é loss?
What is the subs opinion of Asmongold?
What scenario would you equip this?
The real version
What profession is useless and provides no benefit to society?
Trump has shown us why we need a separation of executive powers.
Blizzard is listening. It's time to get raid item drops to increase to match the new release cadence.
"This man has mastered the art of monetizing socialism, which is the most capitalistic thing to do in the world," Ethan Klein's observation of his former Leftovers cohost.
how do brazilians see muslims?
since getting 60 all ive done is fail to try and get dungeon runs going.
Why are American right-wingers so cruel and uncaring?
What class race combo to start with for a beginner?
20 years as Horde. Give me your alliance tips, tricks and general advice!