Who's the best leader in Dc/Marvel?
Anyone like my universal threats image? Who is your favorite villain here?
For all you Cali haters, take heart. Check this out….
Hard to believe this is the same woman who has every democrat in line to elect her.
Conservatives are happier, but liberals lead more psychologically rich lives, research finds
Which one too you pick
who should i focus on?
How do Christians explain dinosaurs and fossils?
Rocket wanted to commemorate his old pals
Hit me with your most ridiculous, absurd, outlandish Kang The Conqueror recast choices
What is your opinion of “lazy keto?”
Why did Greta Thunberg delete this tweet?
How upset would you be if you came to find out your own country has been quietly but surely trying to kill you?
Where is the “anti-war Left” on the US proxy war in Ukraine?
I’ll take “things that were labeled a conspiracy theory last year for 500, Alex.”
why did the CDC update their profile for vinyl chloride 11 DAYS before the train crash in Ohio?
Australian Woman Denied Heart Transplant Because Of Her Vaccination Status
Posted this 13 months ago...can you see the narrative forming in present day?
This whole egg shortage making a lot more sense now
Beware of False Prophets, which come to you in Sheep's Clothing, but inwardly they are Ravening Wolves
Why? just...why?
I feel like they are going to Michael Jackson Kanye West
Take estrogen and antidepressants for COVID, but avoid this crazy horse drug!
Did you feel that shift?
Khalyla desperatly trying to change the narrative.