TIFU by flushing a large amount of paper towel down my toilet
Time for Walks - How do you do it?!
Plan for £500m indoor Test venue that could change English cricket
Anyone buy a new build in Katy?
ELI5: 0 calories per serving but the entire container has 10 calories
How do you feel about DOGE slashing the IRS workforce by 20% (18,000 jobs)?
What’s a dead giveaway someone isn’t a local?
Naturalized Cuban Trump voter mad about Trump revoking legal status of Cubans
Looking to move to Katy
Shooting in McDonalds?
200k full compensation going indepdent, is $150/hour normal?
MILF Kroger got a new look
Trump’s new top prosecutor in Upstate NY suggested trying Biden for treason, deporting Obama
[Homemade] Jobsite Jambalaya
Elon Musk says he's shocked at the level of Tesla hate and vandalism happening: 'I've never done anything harmful'
Consulting client does not let me use my government name,am i overreacting?
Texas Senate Passes Bill To Ban Hemp-Derived THC Products As New Poll Shows Voters Support Keeping Market Legal
Highlights From Dan Patrick’s Press Conference For His “THC Ban” Bill (Part 1)
Lawmaker wants to rename I-35 in Austin after President Trump
A lot of red states are in the tornado alley. Trump is leaving them to fend for themselves when a natural disaster strikes.
Putin keeps Trump waiting more than an hour for high-stakes Ukraine war phone call
Conor McGregor draws Irish leader’s ire after anti-immigration comments at White House
Stephen Miller Throws On-Air Tantrum After MSNBC Analyst Dares To Question Trump
Houston-area midwife arrested for allegedly providing illegal abortions
If or when Trump declares Martial Law what happens to people?