My Hellraiser set!
What is one thing you're currently working on improving about yourself?
Hellraiser collection
What's one job you will never do even if it pays good money?
Rate my sandwich! Turkey, American cheese, butter lettuce and mayo on whole wheat bread. Beer on the side
Hamburger Helper
Green egg yolk, is it okay?
if you had a black kitten and a white one, what would y'all name em?
What's a "must-have" app everyone should download and try at least once?
German Bean Soup x PA Dutch Sausage x Loaded Baked Potato Pierogies
AIO for this text conversation with my mom?
What is that one thing that you'll undo if given a chance to go back in time ?
How often do you laugh in real life?
There's a Girl Scout cookie table just down the street and you only have enough cash for one box. What are you getting?
People who struggled with getting enough fluids, how did you fix it?
Good show to start on Netflix?
What is your home remedy to kill ants-help a girl out??
What are your thoughts on gym modesty?
What’s one habit that helps you kickstart your morning and be productive?
What are some ways to stop marijuana cravings?
Reddit, whats the most infamous class clown you've had in school?
Have there been any real-life supervillains in history? If so, who?
What is keeping you up tonight?
If you will be given an opportunity to go back to the past and change something. What would you change and why?
What’s your favorite memory?