Minha gata foi castrada e detestou a experiência 0/10
Achei essa gatinha no cemitério, já comprei vermífugo e spray pra sarna
What's the Scariest Location in the Series?
My sisters new cat Luna
Fofo, ou nojento?
Postando porque achei bonito
Vocês curtem sorvete sabor café / capuccino?
Silas Malafaia defende Boulos e pede prisão de Marçal por 'forjar documento'
Sometimes my cat holds my hand. Is she showing affection (as I'd like to think) or is it not that deep?
Cliente joga suco em trabalhadora no shopping
Trabalho com público
Update: I adopted that cutie and already got lots of love bites. Meet Luna!
Thinking about adopting this cutie! What do you think?
The cat at the Korean barbecue restaurant near my home is very cute😍
There has to be an easier way…
Morgana LGD rotating 3 units
Morgana selection ticket
There’s no banner at all in which we can use the Curated NV Unit/Fragment Select Ticket
Banco Mundial paraliza propagandas no Twitter após CBS News descobrir anúncio debaixo de conteúdo racista
World Bank halts paid advertising on X after CBS News finds its promoted ad under racist content
Richt Fragments
Help Thread - Until Global EoS
SensorTower Data (August 2024)
Viver cercado por idiota que idolatra rico é foda.
Those wanting Wilhelm.
PSA for Maxing out your Team: For those looking to complete the SBB Trials and other content prior to Oct 30 (No SBB guides here, just how to max out your team)
New album drops next week!