What are the best skins for the galactic weapon in your opinion?
Legendary mastermind and galactic fist on the same day!
What's the strangest and most fun strategy you have ever come across?
What the starters will be?
No explanation needed
The starters for the next legends game MUST be snivy, popplio and litten, and the next legends game MUST be set in galar, here's why.
I have a theory about how the legends games work.
For the starters would you like them to get regional forms or Mega's?
Is not acknowledging the skill of an opponent who just beat you really a bad thing?
I know many of us were upset about Chikorita and Tepig being the starters, but I think the final forms could make up for it.
Are the new starters special Ed themed??
What the hell was the reasoning behind picking Chikorita and Tepig of all starters.
Snivy and Piplup Were Right There!! (Oh and Scorbunny as well)
PREDICTIONS: What are you guys hoping to see for the newly revealed Z-A starters in terms of typing and ability for use in competitive play? I'm hoping for Water-Electric Feraligatr, Fire-Fairy Emboar, and Grass-Dragon Meganium.
Who invited this two idiots to the party???
How can I avoid getting diffed?
Parrying noob ana players (with shit mic)
I knew it was something
There is no better feeling than beating counters on doomfist.
[gen 5] I'm on a quest to find my long lost first shiny pokemon. Please help me!