This lady’s 29yo fiance spent $600 on gachagames while living paycheck to paycheck
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
Which of you?
Who has the most potential to be relevant in future quests out of these 4 and why?
Does anyone else feel the deja vu about everyone saying how great the ZZZ devs are
Updated 5.5 list of voiced characters
Young Lion Radahn
Ifa's EN voice actor is Jonny Loquasto. A former WWE commentator.
Iansan EN voice actor.
Ifa is Anemo From JP livestream
All comics repository?
Commander Gaius
Version 5.5 Special Program Preview
Korone really wanted to FLY & do a Back Handspring for 6th Fes
Hoyoverse is not the at fault here
How I stop myself from being disappointed with a 50/50 loss
Lycaon and Soldier 11 VAs confirm that they were replaced for not performing as a result of the strike
Lycaon's old VA was not informed of his replacement at all from Hoyo or Sound Cadence
Did Marika break the Elden Ring to free the world, or just to satisfy her own desires?
Death Stranding 2 pre-order trailer
Compilation of evidence for Nod-Krai/Snezhnaya release versions
Elden Ring: The Star and The Moon Chapter 13 Caelid
Ranting abt Mauvikas design
For a nation that came out 5 years ago, these 2 nations still hold up in visuals
What am I doing wrong in day 2 of the event??
I made an Elden Ring fancomic (Ch1-12)