I wonder what he’s thinking about lol
Give me a name!
new juvenile false chameleon , advice?
Upgraded to a 40 Gallon
3 Months of Growth
vet said puffy eyes aren’t a concern ?
A Happier Photo of Ducky the Yellow Foot… and Update.
tortoise doesn’t seem to go to their water , any tips ?
Is something wrong with my tortoise?
agoraphobia, coprolalia, and tourette’s ? working for the first time
Last gaming title you felt was worth the $
the anxiety to complete it
Does anyone else who has Tourette's/tics disorder get it from genes?
Is someone holding me to stop my neck tics bad?
Least favorite Tourette’s med??
what jobs can you work?
found this guy last night outside , temporarily taking care of him, how do you give them water ?
What is this turtle doing?
Why do people only think the doctor is wrong when they aren’t given the diagnosis they want?
Which discontinued candy do you miss the most? Any substitutes?
My tortoise hates baths
Ideas please
i have a small room how would yall change it?
This is my chameleon named Asshole. He WAS an asshole when I first got him, but after hand feeding for a year, he’s warmed up and his name no longer suits him. Any new name suggestions?