lost water bottle at triple A park
AITA for insulting my bfs hobbies and his friend?
Do we know where all the fire trucks are going? I live near main / Whitney
Who is your favorite music artist?
Hidden Gems places to eat.
Thoughts on Ken Kankei in dead by daylight?
What makes you like your favorite pokemon?
What's your opinion on non-traditional decks/alternate illustrations?
what the merde .. 😥
What Pokémon would you most want to see added?
Stop moving people outside gard ult 😭
Cozy Bird (The Pigeon) at Odds Bar
Tarot/Psychic reader ?
Comment a word and your rising sign, and I’ll give you a (very short) three card reading on it
Help ! my face is changing
Help ! My face is changing, I dont know what to do.
I freaking suck at love readings but it’s all anyone asks for
Who decided remoat stadium was good?
New Pokémon
School lunch
Check your basements! The melt has started and will continue tomorrow.
You hear a knock at your front door and go to it and open it. You find yourself staring at yourself. What do you do?
Women’s clothing shops?
Must try Restaurant ?
Forget your Sun sign, tell me your rising