How do i reset all of my cards as if I never done any of them without losing them(I want my intervals and repetitions reseted)
This is what Russia's enormous attack on Ukraine looked like yesterday. I marked my house (in Slovakia) with red arrow (far left).
In first aid do I skip the pathology parts and just do them from pathoma or do I only do that for general pathology or do I do both?
Hello ! Help with anatomy
Hello! Help with anatomy
In CKD why is it when we do albumin tests, we take its ratio with creatinine and we dont take its absolute value?
I know this question has been asked a million times probably 😭
Who is she
Help please😭(parkinson's disease
Can someone please explain why rigidity happens in parkinson's Like how does destroying dopaminergic neurons lead to it?
Hello RAAS question:)
Is there a site where I can check misconducts deserving a penalty
Hello is there a way to know when I blocked someone?
Weekly Tech Support Megathread
Hi weird question about ads
Hello need help
Going insane 👍🏻
Trying to remember exactly how something happened
Hello 👋
Looking for advice
How do you feel about the fact that you will have to die one day?
Ill be damned, reverse image search works.
1st Ever Dark Souls 3 Playthrough! I'm scared...
Someone viewed the video you shared