Snowlug starter pack (sauna edition)
Sa mga Married na and both working, unsay arrangement ninyo sa finances? Like remit or separate?
I rewatched Demon Slayer
Kapoy sa skwela pero di sad ko ganahan mo drop out
Jusko ka luoy sa akong mga batchmates
People who didn’t graduate college on time, where are you now?
Is Keychron reliable?
Sysadmins who went through a breach, how did the attacker get in?
Dating in modern times for a 30's guy
Personal cloud drive...unsa inyoha?
Cebu Daily Discussion - June 28, 2024 Friday
Sanity check
Is actually this hard to find IT related jobs nowadays?
What is ONE QUOTE that CHANGED your life?
Panoxyl cleansing wash
Expected salary vs. the salary you were offered as a fresh graduate
Can an IOT thermostat be hacked and turn your house into a meat locker or just in the movies?
Ngano ang mga nakautang pa ang masuko kung panilngan?
Shoutout to my fellow solo IT sysadmins out there.
Fake it till you make it!
Starlink in condo?
Is it time to get a new router?
Update on the BDO Passbook Fiasco
recommend mexican food spots please
MAGGOTS found on Barangay Seoul - Elizabeth Mall Branch