Go home Safeway, you’re drunk.
DAE's nose run when they eat?
How have your energy levels changed since having WLS?
Should I cut or bulk?
What are you starting to love more as you get older?
The hate is so forced
What are the most mind-blowing documentaries everyone should watch?
Twitter Context strikes again!
Hot Dogs
How can they repeal something the Missouri majority wanted?! Please explain. This is why nobody thinks voting is even worth it
What’s something people think is a sign of intelligence, but actually isn’t?
What’s the most impactful piece of wisdom your father ever shared with you that still guides you today?
Amazing how it can be life changing
Fastest hack to stop coughing?
I realized how much I had stopped caring about my looks.
Flawless. No notes
My Great-Great Grandfather's 1922 Atlas of Ellis County, KS
My dad's medals. He is no longer with us, and we never had the chance to talk about them. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
A Kansas sunrise
It's 1988, you have $9,000, and you're looking for a compact economy car. Which one would you pick?
July '24 - Feb '25
"So I Married an Axe Murderer" (1993) | Almost Cult Classics
Not Surprised at All