Alguém sabe o pq estou sem Internet
Deciding between a NVR or a NAS
Prevent Data Disasters: Share Your Backup Secrets & Win Big!
My new lab
Choosing a switch for my network
What OS is it?
Need some pointers in designing my future network and lab
[W] Managed Switch Gigabit 24 ports or more
what is the best server for £90 and under?
My homelab
My "2S" Mini Lab
PSA: r/homelabsales has better deals than online retailers by far and is also a brain trust for pricing
Reolink NVR back up automation
Door Kickers 2 Go codes
Onde comprar placas de desenvolvimento?
Confused with DLCs
Wood structures found in The Dead Dunes, Lithuania
What's the hearth on the side of the XP bar?
I've got 560 games I've played an hour or less. Anything I should really try?
Convençam-me a NÃO comprar
Assumam coisas sobre mim através dos jogos que eu tenho instalados (ignorem o fifa, esse é do meu irmão)
I need a “repetitive” game I can play on mute while listening to podcasts
Need direction on how to market a SaaS product