900k on 290k income.
Do I have a right to be mad at my coach?
First Varsity Coaching Job
What is the future of DEI now that Trump is firing all DEI employees?
San Lorenzo Colossal Head 1. Olmec. San Lorenzo, Veracruz. 900 BC [1121x1500]
Linemen Downfield During RPO?
Big natural tits
I just lost my Championship to Gibbs… Can’t believe this
These Projections don’t make sense…
my new baby 🥹
Colombia is amazing, but Avianca is the worst
Anyone ever got dental implants in CR, and how much did it cost?
Why isn’t week 16 updated?
Potential consequences of late tax payment.
Late tax payment
How do I pay taxes?
Question about Wells and the money
How did you decide to pursue MACI? What were your symptoms like?
Moving down the coaching totem pole, am I reading too much into it, or is this cause for concern?
Anybody want to chat
Sr. Project Manager Salaries for GC in Denver
First Time Coach needing advice
Run and Jump Press
Coaches perspective needed