SR71 photo dump( might need to click pics for full view ) pics were taken from 1980s more description down below
USCG flight crew members instructs Marines about what it is like to be an Aviation Survival Technician (AST) at MCRD PI ( helicopter Is a MH65 Dolphin) might need to click pics for full view
Asking about MMC and DQ
Going up to MEPS to pick my rate in a week thoughts on AO?
Airforce denied my waivers and navy accepts after 24 hours of them being sent in….
Want help choosing a job!
Medication I’m confused
Its your fault, not your recruiters
Dead set on enlisting as IS
"What are your thoughts about the recent AFI changes sir?"
Just graduated from BMT!
French Desault Rafael launching off the French carrier Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier , with what looks to be a dolphin helicopter in the background interesting enough it’s the same helicopter the USCG uses
Truly the best job I’ve ever had
Any recommendations on where I can do the psych evaluation?
Is USNA legit legit/ worth persuing
LF Recruiter to do re4 Waiver
Yes sergnt, I won’t let my hair touch my ears
Thinking of changing my mind
Hired AF
Should I even bother applying?
Going to A school in Dam Neck tomorrow
You motivators got me looking through old deployment pictures 😭 Al Taqqadum Iraq
Got rejected for medical reasons. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise idk
Admin Sep due to Adjustment Disorder?
How to get cheap/free psych evaluation for waiver?