Is it too late for me to buy one of these? Switching back from PC.
Why do everyone dislike Samantha
Just finished S6 of Cobra Kai. Who else agrees Johnny had some of the best character development?
What games are you playing this weekend?
Anyone want to help me out
What game has the best combat system?
Which games releasing this year are a day one must purchase for you?
Hahah one reason I uninstalled COD
Thinking about buying bo3 with zombies chronicle pack (psn)
How would I fix this?
Horizon Forbidden West, God Of War, Uncharted 4, or Ghost of Tsushima?
What is your favorite video game?
Choose A Series to play forever:
Whats the Best mdickie game character?
Both in their primes, who’s the better in ring competitor?
Explain how Cody and why Cody should go heel
Romans Aura is off the charts
Put these 4 kids in a room, who's coming out last?
Exclusives DO Matter and I'm tired of people saying that "they don't"
I need a good laugh. ROAST ME!
Who's your favorite "terrible person but a good parent" character?? Here's mine.
Cody now has a unique corner reversal
Finally allies actually pull the ref out to interfere during a count
Who looks the most badass in a cobra Kai GI?
Fallen Order worth it?