loser queue is not real it cannot hurt you
Imagine supporting this thing for 20 minutes
The fact that the last few OP jungle picks all rely on doing damage to clear jungle proves that not being able to do damage to camps is a huge issue
Help! Nitrate/nitrite levels high - other fish dying
Soulreaper FINALLY completed and 2100+ total level for my Void Iron Pure with Untrimmed Slayer cape.
Scythe to green log TOB on the iron zerk. 2,000kc & 60 purples please get me out
Ranked Struggles
My girl is lethargic
Who was the new champ when you started playing league?
What’s happening with my fish
Latest gemini can remove objects with just a prompt. No need for masks.
Can I put an air pump and a filter in the same 5 gallon tank?
Help?? Betta fish is upside down in a U shape
Is it worth it?
CoF players, will you be playing seasonal or legacy when season 2 starts?
I say, let the man express himself
Phreak: "Should Master Yi be a Low Elo Champion?"
Need some advice/closure
I started to think I will probably never get out of silver
Nicest pk'er of my life
Are these right?…
UserBenchmark is back at it again!
Please is there anything else I can do for my betta or should I let him pass peacefully. I tried salt baths, anti biotic bottles, changed water and all parameters are good.
Are My Male Betta Fish Okay?