g1 inspired g3 restyles
g3 frankie repaint/ restyle !!
instantly thought of powerghouls...
Cleo and 'Nefera' restyles
I won so hard with BS Frankie!
Opinions on neon frights Frankie
Prodigy poster!!
new tattoo yay
What can I do about this?
live action monster high concept art
complete restyles
prototype shoes !!
g3 howleen doll
clawdeen g3 redesign
newest additions to my collection 🙈
g3 core restyles pt.2 🙈 (plus g3 "nefera" doll)
frankies eyes tattoo
monster high redesigned "core" looks
Monster high redesign
ss4 cleo restyle
neon frights frankie restyle/ repaint
why is the new show so bad?
Quick edit of g3 abbeys show model to look more like her doll!
Turned my fearidescent Cleo into Nefra