My Son got rejected for Class of 2029
A lot of concedes in the current 5 wins challenge?
Withdraw from course with W
How is this fair????
I had a crush on a VERY cute guy (im guy) from my class HELP
Winner of almost 300 person tournament!
Lengthen 4cm
I want a boyfriend
keep em coming i don’t give a fuck 🤣🤣🤣
Which segment is safe
How tall do I look
Who are some of the best MATH profs at UBC?
what do you guys think is the most expensive meal on campus?
un popular opinion
Help! I hate my body - Being short, heavy, and small sized!
Why did people not like Trudeau?
i screwed up…..
Is masters in supply chain worth it?
Winter Term 2 course selection
What’s the worst final exam grade you’ve ever had?
Will they change CPSC 121 next year??
CPSC 330 Final??
Just woke up from a nightmare that I bombed the CPSC 121 final