What kind of mindset is this? This is disgusting
What helps you sleep through the night during a migraine attack?
The way she isn’t even done chewing and is already hunting for the next bite. Her swallowing sounds like she’s just trying to force everything down.
What is something that you absolutely cannot stand the smell of?
Going to my first cycle class tonight by myself. I am a bit nervous. Any tips? I have no clue what I’m doing lol!
She’s so irritating
Final discord (and other) screens I found, 2020
In a rebound headache period on my 7th day now. What helps you get through it? 😩
This is a horror movie
Chrystal making Shucks livestream all about her compilation. She kept talking about her new haircut.
somber is back on the temp delivery trail 🤪
Have you lost your miiiiind?
it’s so obvious that they tried the spicy one first and then the non-spicy but somber is tryna act like we wouldn’t notice…
Re-ember when she spoke about this while stuffing her face and in front of her kid?
I’m in the “no eyebrows” phase of my ombré powder brows. Please reassure me they’ll come back 😩
For anyone that just got over a flare up or are in the middle of one. Breathe. Everything is going to be alright. I promise. You are fighting through or fought through a tough battle. This too shall pass. We are all here for you 🫶🏻
if you’ve watched one WIEIAD video, you’ve watched them all
True Blue 💙the original and CLEAR version. I’ve had this stored in my camera roll for forever. Thank @dreweilishh who posted this on tik tok forever ago. 🦋 enjoy
Who remembers this 😍
Looking for a cute little alien keychain like these. Can’t find them anywhere. 👽
Might anyone know what this red spot is under the shell?
she told herself to get out of the car but then died and decided to blame it on shuck 😭
I think I found something that cured my IBS??