Who was yourcelebrity crush at that age ❤🩹
Anyone here watched Adolescence
Cocos who are or have been lonely, what do you do?
People who leave Kerala for jobs, Do you plan to come back or settle elsewhere?
Post your fav Indian Song for the motivation, when you feel immensely down/when you are in Gym scathing off the pain
Saniya Iyappan dropped out of her Creative Arts course in London due to the racism she faced.
Arsenal fans. Sincere question for you from a Liverpool fan. Do you believe you are capable of winning the Premier League under Arteta?
Job search
Phone was snatched whilst on the tube
Kerala has slid heavily in quality of education in the last ten years.
Protein Bargains
Lake District Cabin
Who all are eating grapes at 12 under the table ?
New year. New me
Exact midnight enthaanu parupady?
Went to Sarrat Boxing Day Gathering to some absolute classics 🫶🏻
Tried Topping Cheetos on Ramen! Say less; so good:)
Oru puthiya interest editing 🚶♂️pic
Anyone else spending Christmas alone?
What did i just witness
Pls. suggest some good Malayalam books that I could gift sr. citizens to take their attn. away from phones!
Christmas Lights times
Liverpool have tough games ahead. We just need to keep on winning! No more goof ups!