Does anyone here not mind/ like working at CVS?
Manager keeps pressuring extra care and carepass
Customer apologizing
Brooklyn’s nails
What does CVS stand for? Wrong answers only.
Why I’m not getting ACO notifications like age for medicine on the Ironman?
Tired of the same posts
Will I get in trouble for this?
Have you ever refused to help?
did anybody have a manager that would post the schedule last minute or too far in advance??
thoughts on antidepressants
thoughts on antidepressants or medication for mood
Manager expects me to be flexible?
Is $18/hr cross trained as shift and tech too low?? If so, who do I go to for a raise and what to I say?
Does your manager expect you to be reachable when you’re not on the clock?
Does your manager expect you to be reachable when you’re not clocked in?
Does your leadership want you to be “reachable” when you’re not clocked in?
How do you guys use the bathroom???
Husband wants baby
Husband wants to start trying but not sure if I’m being selfish or overthinking..
Bleeding a week after period..
I’m pre-diabetic. What did you do to lower your ac1 levels, how consistent, how long did it take to see a change?
Period ended a week ago and I started bleeding again..
How long until your ac1 levels decrease, what did you do and eat, how consistent were you?