I think I met my soulmate, but how do you know if someone is the one?
PeaceHealth Hospital is overflowing
Finally made it over the hump. I'm 3 months sober today
Had a client go into crisis mode today because of the Elon salute
How do I ask if I'm still invited to a wedding?
Going to quit my easy job tomorrow
Can anyone verify this is true?
2 months sober today!
2 months sober next week and cravings are out of control.
What is the “weed devil” telling you lately?
Is it wrong for me to not feel bad for homeless people?
Being an addicted psychologist is a meta mindf*ck
If you’ve been sober for a while but not fully detoxed, will smoking reset all progress?
Any tips for someone starting a job in an hospital psych unit?
Now I feel- the struggle is starting atp.
Can birth control make my period late after getting off it two months ago?
What's the best way to get tomatoes?
Gratitude for my addiction
Help me decide! Dark, natural, or red?
I’ve been hearing voices in my head I have never heard before
AITA for taking my daughter's phone away for exposing my "dirty laundry" to her friends in a group chat?
What’s the most surreal landscape you’ve ever seen in person?
What specific signs of global warming have you seen personally?
Does smoking make you miserable after awhile?
Is the prices on everything actually ridiculous or are we overreacting?