this is a muslim marriage app ☠️
Relative passed away (most likely murdered)
If Pakistani Spousal Visas Get Banned....
Trying to Build a Habit of Dhikr & Adhkar – Need Recommendations
Kinda funny embarrassing Ramadan Stories.
If You Could Be One of Below. Which One?
What's the strangest / most unexpected question you've been asked during a job interview?
have you ever encountered a psychopath?
How do you tackle the lack of intimacy in a marriage?
What’s the Most Overlooked Security Risk in Small Companies?
Is it true boys?
This Pakistani cat is gangsta
AITA for threatening to stop this kid's degree after he did a little fraud with me?
AITA for choosing my happiness over my parents’ ‘izzat and reputation.’
Would pursuing a CS or any other programming-related degree be worth it in 2025
Your biggest guilty pleasure?
How unhealthy are Knorr noodles?
What’s your biggest fear?
Why was the American woman "stuck" in Pakistan? Why did she stay here so long?
Savage or disrespectful
You get arrested, but the cops won’t tell you what for. You overhear them laughing, so it’s obviously something stupid. What’s your best guess?
Working women, how do you manage the time to cook or eat healthy?
What's a common porn fantasy that's actually a total nightmare in real life?
I've never seen a white person. What about you?