If lgs snips corner of a pack you were ripping anyway would you care?
too many cooks in the kitchen
LGS Staff Member on Sealed Prices
4 prismatic evolutions ETBs ($480) pulls 🥲
151, Prismatic, Surging Sparks?
Am I the only one who finds most Holo cards ugly?
Want to buy Prismatic box for my little brother
Code Cards for Everyone!
Reminder to everyone serious about spending money on Pokemon cards - keep track of your expenses
For all the idiots ruining the hobby.
My WoW account turns 20 years old today, how should I celebrate? Wrong answers only.
What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
You get one million dollars but from now on every time your wife cooks something for you you have to tell her it tastes better when your mum makes it
What’s a game you played, absolutely loved but will probably never play again?
What adc do yall pick when u need AP?
Questions on MF Bans
Should i just stop playing league?
What line of work are you in?
Haven't played my enhance shaman for a while, are they supposed to take THIS much damage??
Every month you stay in solitary confinement, you add a year to your life. How long would you stay?
The problem of getting champions for new players in 2025
Can we talk about Mythic Raiding
How did guilds reliably get world buffs for raid in vanilla wow?
Can we ban the "I've been banned unjustly, throw me a pity party" posts?
Playing M+, I spend 90% of my time doing keys I completed a few levels higher.